I got to see two of my friends become parents yesterday and it was probably one of the most incredible experiences I've ever witnessed/photographed. We met Noah in film school and have worked with him on countless projects. We've shot action movies with him in ice cold warehouses, edited our films together to the last moment of a deadline, and watched him grow his company, Snowman Films. You've probably seen him doing a back flip in our movie, Back to the 80's! Over this course of time, Noah met and married Alexis and became pregnant with their first baby, Grayson. And last Saturday, I had the absolute privilege to watch my colleague and friend become a father.
Noah called me the night they were being induced to see if I could take photos and I jumped at the offer! I hadn't had experience shooting baby photos and thought it would be great to add to our portfolio of photography we offer. When I got the call two mornings later, I thought Grayson was already born. However, when I showed up to the hospital, Alexis was still in labor! I realized very quickly that I was going to be in the room when Grayson was born. After a few panicked deep breaths in the hallway, I was ready to roll!
It was a long waiting game, but it allowed me the time to experiment and capture different angles and moments. Unfortunately the lighting was very minimal and I had to sacrifice my ISO to keep mom comfortable. Having never seen someone in labor before, I learned a lot about the process on a more personal level. The strength that Lexi showed that day I will never forget. She made everything look so easy and she alleviated a lot of fears I had around having my own children one day. Noah was cool headed, constantly in awe, and so supportive to Lexi. The amount of love and support from family in the room was overwhelming. When Grayson was finally born, I had to keep wiping away tears so I could see through the viewfinder! As a photographer and a woman, this was an invaluable experience for me.
I love that our cameras take us places we would have never been before. Every shoot lets you learn more about a certain industry or a topic or cause that you didn't know existed. I've learned about pancreatic cancer research, ethical practices of Colorado law, socialization in dogs, and becoming a yoga teacher; all because of my camera. But its the weddings, family photos, and (now) births that I love. These shoots remind you what it is to be alive, to have a family, and to be loved. It was such an honor to be part of such an intimate moment between this family.Congrats again Lexi and Noah!